I hope you can spring board into something creative now that you have started sharing. Each detail of our lives has a story. What's yours?
Any layout created from a "gratitude" entry will receive an extra chance in the drawing at the tend of the month!
OK, so what am I grateful for today...
Well today, I am melancholy and struggling to go with my usual motto "choose joy".
We can't always be happy every day, right?
But I can be reminded what it is to be loved, even when I don't feel so lovable.
My kids run to me each day school ends. Hugs, kisses and snuggles.
Yep. Even on my worst day, I am loved.
(We might be a motley crew, but we love each other dearly.)

Beautiful post penny & that is one of mu fav pics!
Day 11:Grateful to be an American is here:
I am loving this! Choose Joy~ that is great! I tell my kids its up to them what kind of day they will have, don't let others influence, you decide to be happy.
day 11
Just found your challenge and happened to click on this day...choose joy is what I always told me kids as they were growing up! Now when I complain, I hear it back from them!!
Nice blogg thanks for posting
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