Saturday, March 30, 2013


i was so happy to see some people pop up and answer!

i guess the best way to see of there is any REAL interest is to see if i get any responses to a call, right??

So here we go...

design team call.

this is to be a journaling based challenge blog with prompts for journaling inspiration... telling your story is of the utmost importance in scrapbooking (I hope). pretty product rocks, but long term, the story is what is going to matter!!

-two layouts or project life page(s) (or other projects that fit the subject) a month using ANY product. the team will be split in two and "present" every other week.
-ideas!!! i do not have the monopoly on ideas!! i would love some input!
-6 month term with a possibility for an extension to 12 months.
-posting on the facebook page. posting challenges to your own facebook page.
-having a blog, and posting weekly.

-a short paragraph of why you think this is a good idea. ha!
-link to online galleries.
-link to your blog
-resume (of you have one) of previous teams. (or list previous teams)
-2-3 layouts where you used journaling.
-a sense of humor. :)

submit by April 25th. new team will be announced on the 1st of May. Launch May 15th.

GO! Tell your friends! And come back to check us out! :)