Wednesday, December 3, 2008

If all else fails...

...skip a week!

Are you all sick of turkey??
It is time to SCRAP!
OK, so many of you are trying to finish up cards, or gifts for the Christmas. I get it. But when you DO take a break, what do you indulge in?? What is YOUR indulgence of choice??

That it! That's the challenge! I want to hear it!! Let's see what you do for YOU when you get the chance!!

Since we skipped... challenge due December 14th at Midnight (yeah, right!) :)

OK, next thing-we are VERY privileged to have a FANTASTIC guest designer. I've met Gigi Kennedy... she is full of spunk (cute little thing actually!) and VERY creative to boot! What I love about her style is it gives you a real idea who she is, first glance! Her style is fun, original, fresh, funky, and yet she makes it look simple! She is a designer for "One Little Word" (one of my personal fav.'s in the challenge blog world!), is on the Tarisota Collections design team, and has been published too! And you need to check out her blog of ENDLESS inspiration!!
When asked what she wanted to share about herself and what she does:

I love to make stuff with paper...and ribbons...and paint...and buttons...and nowadays, my sewing machine. I've been scrapbooking for about 4 years and these days, the craft has become a way for me to keep more than just my memories, my scrapbook has become an extension of my journal & a place where I really enjoy recording what makes me tick & have some fun trying to do it artfully.

When asked to be this week's Guest Designer, I was so excited and honored! The Story Matters Team and challenges are always inspiring to me. I really enjoy how it pushes you to actually thing about and scrap some of the stories of you & your loved ones that may have gone un-recorded. It was so great to be a part of the Team for a week & play along with this challenge!!

Here is Gigi's take on the weeks fun!
And from our designers:
Penny: Seriously... it has been sitting on my table for DAYS, not quite done. :(

Sophia:Theresa:Tina:Ashleigh:Candi: She was off giving birth. :)

Kate: Has disappeared off the face of the earth... if you see or hear from her, send word. :)

Sasha: THIS girl is BUSY!!

Hopefully we'll be back to full staff soon! Typical holidays!! :)

Can't wait to see what ya come up with! ('member, Dec. 14th!)


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!! i found out what the challenge was off of sophia's blog... and i'm totally loving this one. if i find time in this hectic month, i will definitely play because i totally know what my indulgence is! haha.


Gigi said...

thank you so much for this wonderful challenge!! it was a real honor being a part of your team for this one :)

can't wait to see everyone's work!

merry christmas!!



mica said...

Love the challenge and what DTs came up with are fantastic!! Here is mine.

Adeline said...

This challenge really gets me laughing at myself when I listed down my indulgence. Ha ha ha...almost uncountable but here's my take! Thanks for looking.

Anonymous said...

Hi gang ... cant wait to see your LO's .. I totally ready for the next challenge.


jessicamae3 said...

Here's mine...
this is my indulgence!

Anonymous said...

Here's mine, it was easy to scrap this one for sure :)

Thanks for peeking :)